Thursday, September 26, 2013

Here we go...

     This week has been a bit of a whirlwind. After a frustrating summer of interviews and rejections, I was concentrating on getting my own kids settled in to their new schedules, and taking care of things at home. I had accepted a few sub jobs, but had decided that if I didn't get to work full time I would take advantage of the luxuries that my situation provided. I could make healthy, home-cooked meals, attend Rowan's cross country meets, and take care of some things that had been put off at home over the summer.
     My last interview had been at a charter school in Dearborn Heights. This interview had come from a referral based on an interview in Ann Arbor earlier in the summer. The position was a kindergarten classroom. Despite the distance, the school seemed like a good fit, and I had a good feeling about the school. Later that week, I received the familiar, "We went with someone with more experience" phone call. The principal also let me know that he would keep my resume on file should any other positions open up. They all say that, right?
     From there I spent a beautiful weekend in San Diego for my cousin's wedding. Had I gotten the job, I would have had to tell the principal that I would have to miss my second day of work to fly to California. I avoided an awkward situation.
Silver lining... or something like that.
     On Monday I received a call asking if I would like to interview for a position at the same school, but for fifth grade. I replied that I was very interested and we made arrangements for an interview on Wednesday. I drove out to the interview feeling pretty good. I left the interview feeling pretty great. The principal said that he had one more interview to do, but that he would call me either way at around noon. I got into my car and thought, "I really think this is my job." I wasn't even off of that road when I got a call asking me to turn around and come back to sign paperwork for my new position. 
     I started at my new school today, but so far it feels like a long-term guest teacher position. As I have done before, I spent the day shadowing a teacher. The difference, of course, is that this time the teacher will not be coming back. That part is not real yet. I spent the day (as I have done several times before) observing a teacher and considering which parts of the day I will keep and which I will change. Tomorrow the room will be emptied of all of the supplies that belong to the other teacher. I have begun my list of wanted and needed supplies. I have tried to remember what might be relevant from the files that have built up in my basement throughout my years of teaching and guest teaching. My to-do list is a bit overwhelming at the moment, but I could not be happier. Somehow I know that everyone who told me that, "the right job would find me" was right, and that I am absolutely ready for this challenge. 

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